

This project is a Web application based on the movie API built with ES6, HTML and CSS and it is a SPA. This API provides data about movies that users can access on-demand.


Live Demo

click to see project


Built With

GitHub, GitHub Flow, Visual Studio Code, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Webpack,

Getting Started

Welcome to capstone-2! We introduce new search methodology applied with javascript and dynamic html. New work dynamic creating and merging secondary branches for a single pull request. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps. 1- Download the zip file or clone it via git 2- Navigate to the location of the folder in your machine: you@your-Pc-name:~$ cd <folder> 3- after you get the project to your local machine open the index.html file or simply run the live server 4- install the node packages via npm install 4- to Check for linters run (npx hint .) for html code fixed and npx stylelint “*/.{css,scss}”

Clone and review it

Run the following commands to clone and run it.

To clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/LokurasRlz/Capstone2.git

To enter Directory

cd Capstone2

To Install Packages

npm install

To run project on local server

npm start

To open project with vs code

code .



👤 Matias Aguirre


GitHub:@tamana-Balkhi Linkedin: Tamana balkhi


Contributions, issues, and reviews are very welcome!


Please rate this project.


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